節錄其中一段澳洲飛友的對話:I am with you on that. After discussing the issue at length with a very experienced home builder/service guy/full size aircraft engineer/jet pilot, I have been using TCW3 spec two stroke outboard oil at 2% for a while now with no issues. My health and that of my young family are far more important than a couple of turbine bearings, even if there was a difference in the long term, and I am far from convinced that there is. Warranties these days are not with $hit. Most of us buy our turbines and have them sit there for a year or more while we are building anyway. I have a number of Jetcat turbines (P60, P70, P80, 2x120's) and a simjet 3000....they all get fed the same stuff!
It does not make sense to use turbine oil (which was not designed to be burned), in a miniature turbine just because it is a turbine. Different applications than the full size. By that logic jetcat engines should be lubed with grape juice because they have a purple front cover, and wren should be fed apple juice! I am being OTT now but the point is why not use an oil which will do the job AND was designed to be burned, without the toxic efflux?