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發表於 2010年11月29日 07:02 AM
原帖由 m504736 於 2010年11月28日 01:57 PM 發表
This is quite interesting to me. Please explain why wing incidence angle should be increased in the ...
歹勢, 我沒有教授資歷,我只當過講師.隨便僭越會折壽地......
For the idle dive check, our (we pattern society) general explaination is as following:
A trimed airplane, incidnce angle (IA) of wing is positive and the IA of stab is negative (BTW, thanks for clarifying the incidence angle and AOA). For example, a typical 2x2 patternship, wing IA is about +0.2-deg, and stab IA is around -0.3-deg (slightly "up elevator") since C.G. is ahead of the lift center.
In case of too much wing IA, assume C.G. is OK, in order to maintain level, the stab is at down elevator position. During idle dive, the AOA of wing is zero.... tends to line-up with the wing. However, the stab AOA is positive that contributes to pitch down trend (and vice versa). Sounds logical to me, what you think?
My experience, since the IA of wing and stab are not the same, there is still a slightly pitch up trend after all these precision trimmings. That's why most advance TX has "idle down" function that allows you to mix a slightly down elevator at idle down line. It can be triggered by either a designatd swtich or the throttle stick.
The NSRCA trim procedure is an emprical approach, maybe you have a better explaination. Hope this will help.
平飛主翼正傾角過大會不斷上昇,必須以下舵配平.怠速下降時會pitch down
平飛主翼正傾角不夠會不斷下沉,必須以上舵配平.怠速下降時會pitch up
我的經驗即使照NSRCA的trim chart走一遍,垂直怠速下降還是有輕微抬頭傾向
所以中上級以上的遙控器有Idle Down的混控功能.在怠速時帶些微下舵.
[ 本帖最後由 lspeng 於 2010年11月29日 10:42 AM 編輯 ] |