據老闆 Mark 回應﹕One thing to note is that the fuse should be 40amps, not 30 amps. This is important if you have 4QD speed controllers. If you have the new Armortek speed control module, a 40amp fuse should still be fitted,
but it is only a second line of defense. The module has built in real time current limiting to protect against fuse failure in normal driving conditions.
翻譯如下﹕ (1) 30A 保險絲還不夠看﹐最好換用 40A的﹔(2) 保險絲只是第二道防線. 動力供應模組另有內建即時電流限制線路﹐當保險絲在一般狀況下燒斷時可保護整個裝置。