發表於 2012年4月12日 02:24 PM
原帖由 陳小宏 於 2012年4月12日 12:36 PM 發表
和 simposon 说的一样,启动后,响三声,油门推一点响一声,回到最低点响一声,可以使用,推油门,现象是缓启动,这点好象通过编辑模式可以设置,但是无论如何设置都是到了大油门的时候,电调就会发出连续报警声,然后停止转动。没有 陳小宏 您说的卡顿现象。
In the governor “tx” mode, the throttle setting will set the speed target for the governor.
In this mode, the throttle curve when flying should be flat.
In the governor “arm” mode the maximum throttle seen during the arming sequence will set
the speed target for the governor.
In this mode, the throttle curve when flying does not influence headspeed.
Throttle curve can be set for the desired main to tail mix (this mix is in the mCPX 3in1)
Governor P gain sets the proportional gain for the governor.
This setting controls the gain from speed error to motor power.
Governor I gain sets the integral gain for the governor.
This setting controls the gain from integrated speed error (summed over time) to motor power.
Tail gain scales the power applied to the tail motor for a given input.
Beware that a low tail gain will also limit the maximum power to the tail.
Tail idle speed is the speed of the tail motor during the delayed stop.
High pwm frequency is around 20-25kHz, and low pwm frequency is around 8-12kHz.
One benefit of using a low pwm frequency is that the step from almost full power to full
power becomes smaller. On the other hand, 8kHz is in the audible frequency range.
The damped pwm mode for the tail makes the motor retardation much faster.
It is only supported on some ESCs (where both nfets and pfets are driven directly from the
MPU) .
[ 本帖最後由 cnscshitao 於 2012年4月12日 02:28 PM 編輯 ] |