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發表於 2009年2月8日 04:25 PM | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2009年2月8日 04:26 PM | 顯示全部樓層
Installing the servo 安装伺服  Only two servos are used in my design. One is for the elevator and theother one is for aileron. In my design, the aileron servo is installedbetween the motor and the main shift holding tube. In this way, thetube has made use of the sturdy plastic case of the servo as one of itssupportingmedium.只有两个伺服用在我的设计。一个是电梯,另一个是为副翼。在我的设计,副翼伺服安装之间的汽车和主要转向控股管。这样一来,管已使用了坚固的塑胶箱子伺服之一,其支持的媒介。    This arrangement gives extra strength to the main shift holding tubeas one side of the servo is glued to the motor while the other side isglued to the tube. However, the mobility of the servo as well as themotor islost.这项安排使额外的实力,主要转向控股管作为一方的伺服是胶合板,以汽车,而另一边是胶合板向管。不过,流动性伺服以及汽车丢失。  In order to make the whole structure sturdier, an additional supportis added to the main shift holding tube. It is also made from circuitboard with some holes drill onit.在为了使整个结构耐用的,额外的支持添加到主要转向控股管。这是也发了言,从电路板与一些洞就钻。    
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 樓主| 發表於 2009年2月8日 04:26 PM | 顯示全部樓層

Receiver 接收机

Thereceiver I use is GWS R-4p  4 channel receiver. Originally, it is usedwith micro crystal. However, I can't find one which fit with my TX'sband. So, I give my try to use the large one from my RX. It eventuallyworks great and no problems have occurred up to now. As you can see inthe above picture, it's really big when compared with the microreceiver. The receiver is only 3.8g ( extremely light weight ) which isvery suitable for indoor helicopter.
#Although the receiver has only four channels, it can be modified to a five channel RX.
Thetail Esc 接收我使用的是gws的R-四路四频道接收器。本来,这是用微晶体。不过,我无法找到一个适合我的德克萨斯州的乐队。所以,我让我尝试使用大型一从我的RX。它最终的伟大工程和没有问题的发生到现在为止。正如你可以看到,在上述图片,它的真正大时相比,微型接收器。接收器只有3.8克(非常重量轻),这是非常适合室内直升机。
#虽然接收器只有4个频道,它可以进行修改,以1 5频道的RX 。

Hereyou can see the speed controller that is used in my helicopter. It isplaced at the bottom of the gyro (see the photo below).  Woo!!  Reallysmall size with only 0.7g. It is a JMP-7 Esc that I bought from eheli.I really can't buy one from local hobby shops here in Hong Kong. Also,this tiny Esc works great with the gyro. I just simply connect thesignal output of the gyro to the signal input of the Esc.

Thisperfect micro-gyro is made by GWS. It is temporarily the lightest gyrothat I can find in the world. Unlike the previous GWS gyro that I usedin my gas helicopter, it is very stable and the center point is veryaccurate. If you plan to buy a micro gyro, it would certainly be a goodchoice for you!
The tail motor这个完美的微型陀螺仪是由gws 。这是暂时最轻的陀螺,我可以找到在世界上。不同于以往的gws陀螺,我用我的气体直升机,这是非常稳定和中心点是很准确。如果您打算购买一个微型陀螺仪,这肯定会是一种不错的选择为您服务!

Themotors in the above photo are  5v DC motor, micro DC 4.5-0.6, and microDC 1.3-0.02  ( from left to right ) In my first attempt, themicro4.6-0.6 is used. The motor burns out quickly ( or I should saythat the plastic component in the motor melts) as the power demand ofthe tail rotor is much larger than that I expected. At the moment, the5v motor is being used in my helicopter which is still in very goodcondition. 马达在上述照片是5V的直流电动机,微型直流4.5-0.6 ,和微型直流1.3-0.02 (由左到右)在我国第一次尝试,micro4.6 - 0.6是使用。汽车烧伤很快(或者我应该说,塑胶组件在汽车熔体)由于电力需求的尾桨是要远远大于我所料。目前,5V的马达是被用来在我的直升机目前还处于非常良好的条件。
The current tail motor is a 16g GWSmotor which provide much more power. For more information, please go tothe page "flybarless CP modificationII"目前汽车尾气是一个16克gws电动机提供大量更多的权力。如需详细资讯,请去网页“ flybarless警务处处长修改Ⅱ ”
The main ESC:主要人事编制小组委员会:


Thefirst photo shown above is a Jeti 050 5A brushed electronic speedcontroller. It was used to control the speed 300 motor in my helicopterbefore. As the speed 300 motor is now replaced by a CD-Rom brushlessmotor, the Jeti 050 had been replaced by a Castle Creation Phoenix 10brushless ESC.
第一张照片上面显示的是一个jeti 050 5刷电子调速控制器。这是用来控制速度300电机在我的直升机前。作为速度300马达是现在,取而代之的是一个CD - ROM的无刷电机, jeti 050已改由一名凤凰城创造的10无刷人事编制小组委员会。
Thefollowing diagram shows how the components are connected to each other.The connections at the receiver is not in order. The GWS R-4p isoriginally a 4-channel Rx. It is modified in order to provide an extrachannel for the pitch servo.下面的图表显示了如何组件连接到对方。连接在接收机是不合乎规程。该gws的R-四路是本来是一个4通道的RX 。这是修改,以提供额外的渠道,让足球场伺服。

In a fixed pitch design, only 2 servos are needed.在固定摊位的设计,只有2伺服需要。
Acomputerized Tx is needed as the the tail control must be mixed withthe throttle control. For a Piccolo micro helicopter, this task isperformed by the Piccoboard. For my design, this is done by thefunction "Revo-Mixing" in the Tx.
一个电脑德克萨斯州,是需要作为尾部控制,必须混合与节气门控制。为短笛微型直升机,这项任务是由piccoboard 。我的设计,这样做是由功能“ revo混合: ”在得克萨斯州。
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 樓主| 發表於 2009年2月8日 04:27 PM | 顯示全部樓層
Micro helicopter wireless cam 微型直升机无线凸轮

Thereare many articles about installing wireless cam on the RC gashelicopter (eg.RC-CAM). It is really very interesting as you canexperience what your helicopter do! However, for an indoor helicopter,the equipment for such  system would be too heavy to be carried for atiny indoor helicopter. However, as the development of the technology,the wireless cam that with transmitter built-in is placed on themarket. 有很多文章,安装无线凸轮的钢筋混凝土气体直升机( eg.rc凸轮)。实在是很有趣的,因为你可以有什么经验,您的直升机做!然而,对于一个室内直升机,装备等制度,将过重,要进行一个小小的室内直升机。不过,由于技术的发展,无线凸轮与发射机内置在是放在市场。

Thewireless color cam in the above photo is only about 9g ( after theremoval of the heavy battery connector ). that's all for me to put onthe helicopter:无线彩色CAM在上述照片是只有约九克(搬迁后的沉重的电池连接器) 。这一切,我提上了直升机:

I have found several model of these wireless color cam in the internet. Maybe you would like to take a look:


Iwas so disappointed to realize that the approach of using the samepower source for the helicopter and the cam didn't work. This isbecause interference occurred when the tail motor or the main motorstarting turning. However, when I power the cam with another batterypack and place the cam near the running motors, the video receivedremain clear. The problem is how can my tiny helicopter afford to onemore battery pack which is about 100g? the solutionis:当时,我非常失望,以实现该方法的使用相同的电源为直升机和凸轮没有工作。这是因为干扰发生时,汽车尾部或主要电动机起动转折。不过,当我的权力凸轮与另一电池匣和地方凸轮附近运行的电动机,视频收到保持清醒的。问题是,如何让我微小的直升机有能力多一个电池匣,其中约100克?解决的办法是:

Thebatteries below the AAA battery pack is the high voltage alkalinebattery ( 12V ). The left one is GP23A ( E10*28mm ~6g ) while the rightone is GP27A ( E7.7*28mm ~4g ). Since the power consumption of thewireless cam is only 50mV. It is possible to power up it by these tiny,light battery. By using this separated battery, no any interferenceoccurred. 电池低于AAA电池Pack是高电压碱性电池( 12V的) 。左边的一个是gp23a ( E10中* 28毫米〜6克),而正确的,一个是gp27a ( e7.7 * 28毫米〜四克) 。由于电力消费的无线凸轮只有50mv。是有可能的权力,直至它的这些微型,小型电池。通过使用此分隔电池,没有发生任何干扰。
For the sake ofweight, wires are directly soldered on the battery. So, all thecomponents needed to be added on the helicopterare:为求重量,电线都是直接焊接在电池。因此,所有组件需要加以补充,关于这架直升机是:

total ~15g


Fromthe above photos, you can see the cam is attached on the elevatorservo. The video captured is not very clear as the platform for the camvibrate quite a lot after the helicopter has taken off. The video hasbeen placed at the video page which is only 3.89MB.
This systemhaven't been tested outdoor cause I got nothing to capture the videoreceived by the receiver except the video card on my desktop computer.
从上述照片中,您可以看到凸轮是重视对电梯伺服。视频捕获,是不是很清楚,作为平台的凸轮震动了不少后,这架直升机已经起飞。影片已放置在视频页,其中只有3.89mb 。
Here is the technical data of the cam:这里是技术数据的凸轮:

  size of the cam:  1.8 * 1.8 * 1.7  ( cm )
  weight of the cam without the battery connector:  ~9g
  size of the receiver: 11.5 * 8 * 2  ( cm )
  Frequency:  1.2GHZ + 0.2%
  Electric power:  DC9V
  Power consuming current:  50mA
  Suitable environmental temperature:  -20oC  ~  +60oC
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 樓主| 發表於 2009年2月8日 04:27 PM | 顯示全部樓層
Flybarless collective rotor head modification I  flybarless集体转子头改性i

Inorder to get an additional channel for the pitch control, the receiver( GWS-R4P ) being used in my helicopter must first be modified. whatneeded to do is just soldering a signal lead at pin11 of the IC locatedat the front side. Also, a positive and a negative lead are alsoneeded.在为了得到额外的渠道,让音高控制,接收器( gws - r4p)被用来在我的直升机首先必须修改。有什么需要做的就是焊锡一个信号,导致在pin11的集成电路位于前线的一面。同时,积极和消极的铅也需要。

Afterthe modification, what I got is a very light-weight, low-price,5-channel micro receiver. It is really worth to own one. I place theconnector of the new channel next to that of the channelone's:改造后,我得到是一个非常重量轻,低价格, 5声道微型接收器。实在是值得自己一。我把连接器的新渠道,旁边就是渠道之一的:

OK.Let's move on to the rotor head. As I mentioned before, fiberglasscircuit board is chosen to construct the rotor head. The idea is to usetwo precise rectangular holes on two plates to house the ball bearingsfirmly. By this way, a blade holder is formed which is attached on thehorizontal shaft by a set screw ( not by nuts ). It it very importantto make sure that the blade holders won't come off during flying. Theareas below the set screws are thus lightlyfiled.好的。让的举动就向转子头。正如我以前所说,玻璃纤维电路板是选择兴建转子头。想法是使用两个精确的矩形孔的两大板块,以容纳球轴承牢固。这样,刀片的持有人是形成现附上上醒目的轴由一套螺钉(而不是由坚果)。它是很重要的,以确保刀片持有人将摘下来,但是不行期间飞行。地区低于设定螺丝,因此掉以轻心,存档。


Themetal bar inserted in the collar came from a motor shaft which is 2mmin diameter. On each blade holder, a 0.8mm needle is inserted at thelower plate which serves as the skeleton for the metalball.金属酒吧插入在衣领来自电机轴是二毫米的直径。对每一个刀锋伺服器持有人, 0.8毫米针插入在较低的板块,其中作为骨架为金属球。
Thepitch control is managed by CCPM in which the output of the elevator,aileron and pitch servo are mixed in various ways to obtain the controlresponse. the pitch of the blades  is thus controlled by the swashplatemoving up and down. Here is the servo arrangement on myhelicopter:音高控制是管理的ccpm,其中输出的电梯,副翼和音高的伺服混合以各种方式获取控制的反应。音高叶片因此,控制由斜盘式移动向上和向下。这里是伺服的安排,对我的直升机

Belowis a photo showing how the Pitch servo is attached on my helicopter.One important point is that the servo arms of the three servos musthave the same length. If you have visited the page "installing theservo". you would know that there is a supporting fiberglass partbehind the main shaft holding tube. It has now acquired one morefunction (i.e. support the new pitchservo)下面是一张照片,显示如何音高伺服是重视对我的直升机。其中重要的一点是,伺服武器的三个伺服必须具有相同的长度。如果您有访问页的“安装伺服” 。你会知道有一个支持的玻璃纤维的一部分,背后的主井控股管。它现在已获得多一个功能(即支持新的沥青伺服)

Ideally,the three servos used in CCPM mode must be the same model as equalservo speed and deflection range is crucial for proper controlfunctionality. As a matter of weight and size, a GWS pico servo whichhas almost the same speed and torque is used for the pitch controlinstead of a Hitec HS-50 that used for aileron andelevator.理想的情况下,三伺服用在ccpm模式必须是相同的模型作为平等的伺服速度和挠度范围内是至关重要的适当的控制功能。作为一件重量和大小, gws微微伺服已几乎相同的速度和扭矩是用来为音高控制而不是一个国际展贸中心,房协- 50用于副翼和电梯。
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 樓主| 發表於 2009年2月8日 04:28 PM | 顯示全部樓層

AsI know, all the RC helicopter have tester damper in their rotor head.In my fixed pitch design, the performance is still acceptable albeit notester damper can be found. However, this can't be the same with aflybarless rotor head. In my first flybarless rotor head, thefeathering shaft is fixed firmly and the consequence is a really badrespond. the swashplate was even broken as the force acting on it istoo large. It was very frustrating that I had to give up that design.Weeks later, I finally find a suitable stuff to redesign my rotor head.Here is my secondtry:我所知,所有钢筋混凝土直升机已测试阻尼器在他们的转子头。在我的固定摊位的设计,表现仍然是可以接受的,尽管没有测试仪的阻尼器可以找到。不过,这不能同时与flybarless转子头。在我的第一flybarless转子头,羽轴,这是一个固定牢固和后果,是一个真正的不良反应。该斜盘式,甚至破裂的力量采取行动,这是过大。这是非常令人沮丧,我不得不放弃的设计。星期后,我终于找到合适的东西重新设计我的转子头。这里是我的第二个尝试:


Theimportance of tester damper is far outstrip my imagination. without it,the cyclic respond is very robust. The difference is just so obviouswhen it is introduced to the rotor head. It make the cyclic respondmuch smooth.
It is hard to find the right stuff from the shelf tomake the new rotor head. But things change as I find a Kyosho EP partwhich might be suitable for the job. here is the part list for the newCP rotor head:
fiberglass circuit board ( for the construction of the blade holders )
Kyosho EP HP aluminum F shaft ( #Z1003 )
2mm steel bar from motor shaft ( acting as a feathering shaft )
4  2*6mm ball bearing
2  2mm collars with set screws
kyosho的EP惠普铝f轴( # z1003 )
4月2日* 6毫米球轴承

Canyou figure out the difference between the new CP rotor head and theoriginal one? If you take a close look at the photo above, you wouldfind that there are some yellow object below the feathering shaft. Theycome from silicone tube which act as tester damper here.
Thehand-made symmetrical blades are shorter than the original MS carbonblades. In order to get the same lift, the rotor head much run faster(i.e. higher rpm). The motor needs to be move further apart from thegearwheel as a bigger pinion with higher number of teeth has to beused. I was so unwilling to remove the motor from the main frame as itis stick by epoxy!
There is also a modification in the gearreduction unit. Since the force acting on the gearwheel become largerwhen heavier blades are used, the original one fail to withstand thisadditional force. here is the changes that had been made:
该手工制作的对称叶片短,比原来的余碳叶片。在为了得到相同的电梯,转子头部得多跑得更快(即较高的每分钟转速) 。汽车需要得到进一步的动议,除了从齿轮作为一个更大的齿轮与人数较多的牙齿已被用作。当时,我非常不愿意,以消除电机由主框架,因为这是坚持由环氧!

Hereare the blades that I made for the CP head. Lead are added to the bladetip in order to add stability. However, mishap always follow me. Theblade roots are not strong enough to support the tip weight (5g) athigh rpm and they just broken in a test flight and the helicopter smackinto theground....这里是叶片,我作出的CP头部。铅被添加到叶尖,以添加稳定。然而,不幸总是跟着我。刀片的根源是不强,足以支持秘诀重量(5克)在高转速和他们刚刚打破了在试飞和直升机smack进入地面… … 。


Iget tired making these wooden blades and want to have a break here.Maybe I'm not a guy to make good blades. Anyway, if you want to donatea pair of sturdy CP blades to me, I would like to continue my work.haha!!
 我累了,使这些木制刀片和希望有一个突破。也许我不是一个家伙,使良好的叶片。无论如何,如果你想捐赠对坚固的警务处处长叶片对我来说,我想继续我的工作。 haha !


Inthe end, I started to focus on my CP II design again. The originalgearwheels are replaced by one single black gearwheel. Also, the tailrotor had been replaced by a DD GWS power system. this combinationprovide quicker and more accurate control on the tail.

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