其實可以調整定速模式轉速補正的反應速度, 因為甩尾的問題應該是螺距突然加大後主旋翼轉速下降同時陀螺儀加大尾旋翼螺距藉以鎖住尾巴此時電變又將轉速補正但加大的尾旋翼螺距陀螺儀或許尚未完全修正造成甩尾, 不過增加定速模式的轉速補正速度後相對也會更為耗電對電池及電裝也會是更大的考驗, 小弟淺見供各位大大參考
6.11 Governor Response - Helicopter mode only
This mode is used for setting the characteristics of the
speed controller in speed governor (regulator) mde. The
available options are Slowest / Slow / Normal / Fast /
Caution:the faster the value you select, the higher the
current drawn from the battery. We recommend that you
select a fairly low setting in order to avoid premature
damage to the speed controller and / or the flight battery.
[ 本帖最後由 小蔡 於 2009年11月13日 11:59 PM 編輯 ] |