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發表於 2011年8月22日 10:05 PM | 顯示全部樓層

回復 13樓 東勢小羅 的帖子


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發表於 2011年8月23日 11:34 AM | 顯示全部樓層
是"全面召回" 還是針對 "印有V3"的全面召回??  如果是前者 就問題大條了
那段翻譯是我用小弟自己的菜英文翻的 不是GOOGLE翻的 只是不很確定內容
以下我重新改用中英對照 重點用紅字標示 看看有沒有人英文造詣比較高的能夠確認一下
我覺得 在還沒確認召回的範圍之前 先不用自己嚇自己.....(希望不是全面召回)

The performance of a component used in the Castle ICE HV 60, ICE HV 80, ICE HV 120, ICE HV 160,  Mamba XL and HYDRA ICE HV controllers has changed from the original specifications for that part. This tolerance change may lead to failure of the affected controllers.
一個使用在卡司特Phoneix Ice HV60, Ice HV80, Ice HV 120, Ice HV 160, Ice HV 160 Lite, Mambz XL以及Hydra Ice HV 200控制器的元件已經從原本的設計上更換掉。這樣子個更改可以會造成控制器故障。
For your safety, we request that all customers cease operation of these controllers immediately.  Send all of these controllers back to Castle for modifications required to improve the safety and reliability of these products. This recall includes all controllers labeled as V3. There are no charges associated with this modification.
The only controllers that are properly modified and are approved for operation will be labeled clearly as ICE HV (Amp Rating) 2, Mamba XL 2 & HYDRA ICE HV 2.
只有標籤清楚的標示為Ice 2 HV (Amp Rating),Mamba XL 2 以及Hydra Ice 2 HV的控制器是修改過以及被認可運作。
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發表於 2011年8月23日 01:07 PM | 顯示全部樓層
坦白講,連 卡斯特可能也無法確認 V2 到哪一個時間點是OK,哪一個時間點是不OK,所以要通通召回。他告知因為晶片組供應商換 die (應該是指晶圓製程),造成晶片規格下限與設計當初的餘裕度無法完整配合,所以會有安全性的潛在問題。

includes 是包含,不是針對。因為V3很新已經是針對V2的某些問題下去修改的,他們怕客戶誤解最新的V3沒問題,所以才強調 includes (包含)。

講白的,這裡面也許有些不為外人所知的東西,但牽涉到商譽與法律的責任問題,就必須這樣公佈與處置。因為之前國外網友很多人認為卡斯特在硬坳,直到澳洲這位電子高手提出問題,卡斯特老闆才又重回論壇與網友對話。多少看出,原來卡斯特找到的問題還有一些盲點,這位澳洲電子高手點出的問題後,加上原來卡斯特自己找出的問題後,應該已經完全沒有盲點的。所以卡斯特老闆正式邀約這位澳洲電子高手到卡斯特美國總部上班,而這位高手表達如果他想到美國工作一定會去拜訪卡斯特。網友們大部分很高興真正找出原因,因為以後可以安心使用卡斯特這個功能很強價格又合理的商品了。大部分網友還是覺得 Kontronix 東西太貴了。


反正就根據官方相信標示為 Ice 2 HV (Amp Rating),Mamba XL 2 以及Hydra Ice 2 HV的控制器是修改過以及被認可運作,這樣就沒錯了。
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發表於 2011年8月23日 05:55 PM | 顯示全部樓層
國外消息分享,節錄自RC Group.com 論壇,卡斯特老闆論壇 8/22 回文:

For those who were asking --

We have determined through ABA testing that there are significant issues with the driver chip, but have not been able to determine what/which lot numbers were affected.

We know that we can take one particular lot of chips and cause them to fail consistently in the lab. Other lot number chips seem to work fine.

The testing was done like this:

Using an ICE 120HV and a load which causes very large current transients (in this case, a Magtrol dyno set to vary load on a 2028 motor from 3A to 160A in immediate steps (<100 milliseconds.))

This testing shows Vs transients of about -1.0 volts on the "good" chips (showing that the on-chip Vs clamps work well.)

This testing shows Vs transients of about -20 volts on the "bad" chips (showing that the on-chip Vs clamps are not working sufficiently.)

Swapping the "bad" chips for the "good" chips directly on the exact same hardware shows the behavior follows the driver chips.

ABA testing means we test lot "A" then test lot "B" and test lot "A" (with different chips from the same lot) again. The problem consistently follows the lot "A" chips.

Because our chip supplier cannot tell us which specific lots are affected, and which are not, we have decided that we will recall ALL of the controllers.

This is the only way we can be sure to get all of the affected controllers.

We could wait and test samples from all the lots, find out which lots are affected and which are not, and only recall those from the affected lots. But we don't feel that that would be in the best interest of the modelling community. We would prefer to make sure that we get back ALL of the controllers, and update them to the new control board.

This was not a decision we made lightly, and we apologize for all the inconvience this will cause.

大意是說,透過 ABA 測試方式,可以明確的找出驅動晶體對產品的問題,但是無法確定什麼批號的零件會有問題。
我們無法等待用各個批號的驅動晶片下去測試,來找出哪些電變是有問題而那些是沒問題,而僅僅召回有問題的批號。我們覺得那樣的作法並不是模型領域社群裏,大家想要的方式。我們寧願確保取回所有電變,並且將他們內部的控制板全部更新為新的控制板(卡斯特ICE HV電變內有控制板與電力板)。

[ 本帖最後由 dksw 於 2011年8月23日 05:58 PM 編輯 ]
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發表於 2011年8月23日 07:24 PM | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011年8月25日 11:48 PM | 顯示全部樓層

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