發表於 2010年5月20日 12:09 AM
泰世 X5, 太噴了!
因最近在考慮要買亞拓的 700E 或 泰世X5, 週日我有看到 泰世X5 機子試飛, 設計很棒, 上置式馬達, 機頭罩又漂亮, 結構也很強, 價格才 14K 左右, 好心動! 試飛後! 真噴! 各位新光直昇機大隊的好友要不要一起買的練?
Highlight of GAUI X5 :
1. Newly designed Main Rotor Head and Swashplate which produce quick control response and the best stability.
2. Kit comes with SCORPION 910KV(1820W) BL Motor / GAUI 100A ESC / 500mm CF Main Blades which provide the best power efficiency and the best power to weight ratio of all EP helicopters.
3. New layout for Direct-Drive CCPM servos which results in a precisely control to Swashplate.
4. CF main frame combine with integrated CNC servo / motor mounts result in a high rigidity frame cage to withstand the ultimate power output.
5. Equipped with heavy-duty torque tube driven tail.
Overall length: 1000mm (including cabin & canopy)
Main rotor diameter: 1120mm
Tail rotor diameter: 235mm
Flybar paddle: 64*40*5mm
Tail blade length: 82mm
Overall height: 343 mm
Overall width: 160 mm
Motor: SCORPION 1820w/kv910 BL motor
Total weight: 1900g (Equipped with Blades and all electronic gears except Battery).
Main rotor blades: 500mm to 530mm
Flying duration: 4~5 minutes with 6S1P(22.2v/4200mah) |