Available since: 11/03/2009上市
This product avoids your exhaust system attracting dirt on its surface (tires foam, fuel, exhaust gas and dust) so you can keep it clean longer. The dirt on the exhaust system can cause the cooling not to happen properly and can lead to a lower performance. Thanks to the RB exhaust protect, your exhaust system can evacuate the temperature better. The RB exhaust Protect resists to very high temperatures.This product works very well on nylon parts of the cars, the dust do not stick on the parts and your car stays clean.
感想:那這罐也能用在電車上囉,而尤其甩尾族、電八族應該更適用吧,噴一噴灰塵不沾染,跑一跑車子依然亮晶晶。 |
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