喜歡油改電的玩家,有福啦~鴻諾即將推出~X1 X2 油改電套件~
Hong Nor have had many requests for a Electric Conversion Kit for our popular 1/8 scale X1 Buggy, X2 Buggy, and X2 Truggy.
We have carefully designed this conversion so that everything boltstothe original chassis. Simply remove the Engine and Radio Trayleavingthe center diff mount, with original spur gear and remove thebrakecams, levers and discs. The conversion kit will include apowerfulbrushless motor, speed controller and battery holder for aLipobattery. In this kit, we do not provide the battery and chargerasthese should be available from your local Hobby Shops. However, the80%assembly kits without motor and speed controller are available andwedo offer motors and speed controllers separately. We have testedtheelectric system in both Buggy and Truggy and were pleasantlysurprisedat its excellent performance. We know you are going to like itas a lotof 1/8 gas drivers originated from electric racing and having a1/8electric car just for fun would be a blast. You never know it mayevenbecome a racing class like the original Hong Nor X1-CRT Truggy.
Hong Nor are the latest manufacturer to jump on the 'electric 1/8buggy'express train with a conversion kit due for release soon. HNtell usthey have paid careful attention to ensure the conversion partsboltonto the original X2 buggy or truggy chassis. The conversion kitwillinclude a powerful brushless motor, speed controller and batteryholderfor a Lipo.
We will keep you posted on more info. |