轉貼國外futaba 網站上 FQA集:
Q: Why are there different modules for the 9Z and the 8U? Can I use my 9Z module in my 8?
A: The TK (NOT TK-FSS) module, which is designed specifically for the 9V and 9Z models, is alsAo
safe as a replacement for the TP module. The TP module, which is used in the 5U, 7U and 8U
radios, may NOT be used in the 9 channel radios in place of the TK module.
The TK-FSS module (全頻模組)is a synthesized system module compatible only with the 9Z.
所以 TK 可替代 TP 但TP 不可代替TK , TK-FSS是大九動(9Z)專用 這樣明瞭了嗎?