We need more co.s like GWS and TRAXXAS...... BY juantrinidad. 原文出自 EZONE.
Musing of an 15 year RC veteran -
Radio control can be a very serious hobby. Sometimes, too serious, if you know what I mean. There is are no faulting people in taking that sort of view. I'm one of them. There is much cost, labor and devotion involved in flying and running complex and competitive rc models. Justly, the resulting pride and respect that the owners and builders of fine models equates to the factors previously mentioned.
Some years back, a few RC manufacturers went against the mainstream and started focusing on FUN type models. One that comes to mind is TRAXXAS (ie Rustlers, Stampedes and eventually the TMAXX). The popularity of the FUN type models, ARFS and RTRs, drew more than a few raised brows at the time. Ironically, the RTR boom actually gave radio control a sort of second coming.
As for rc flying, GWS comes to mind as probably the single most note worthy manufacturer in the reinvigoration of EP flight or probably rc flight as a whole. This is not to say that they make the best kits or equipment around. Far from it. Rather, GWS has probably brought more new blood into the hobby than any other in recent memory. Their pricing allows for the average Joe to try his hand flying kit planes. Their designs give enough leeway for Joe, to experience that first flight in a good way. And their product mix lets him have the equipment (GB and ESC) to do so. A product of good R&D.
Given their position, I don't think they should be too afraid of copy cats. Customers know better than to buy a knock-off. Just keep coming up with great products as you have business will keep on coming and your company will keep growing.
As for the copy cats, if they are actually using cheaper and inferior designs, an old adage that was used against you will now work for you. You get what you pay for?
The hobby needs more co.s like Traxxas and GWS. More newbies means a bigger rc community = more fun!