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【分享】美國資深玩家的感言: We need more co.s like GWS.....

發表於 2002年11月20日 01:14 AM | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
We need more co.s like GWS and TRAXXAS...... BY juantrinidad. 原文出自 EZONE.

Musing of an 15 year RC veteran -

Radio control can be a very serious hobby. Sometimes, too serious, if you know what I mean. There is are no faulting people in taking that sort of view. I'm one of them. There is much cost, labor and devotion involved in flying and running complex and competitive rc models. Justly, the resulting pride and respect that the owners and builders of fine models equates to the factors previously mentioned.

Some years back, a few RC manufacturers went against the mainstream and started focusing on FUN type models. One that comes to mind is TRAXXAS (ie Rustlers, Stampedes and eventually the TMAXX). The popularity of the FUN type models, ARFS and RTRs, drew more than a few raised brows at the time. Ironically, the RTR boom actually gave radio control a sort of second coming.

As for rc flying, GWS comes to mind as probably the single most note worthy manufacturer in the reinvigoration of EP flight or probably rc flight as a whole. This is not to say that they make the best kits or equipment around. Far from it. Rather, GWS has probably brought more new blood into the hobby than any other in recent memory. Their pricing allows for the average Joe to try his hand flying kit planes. Their designs give enough leeway for Joe, to experience that first flight in a good way. And their product mix lets him have the equipment (GB and ESC) to do so. A product of good R&D.

Given their position, I don't think they should be too afraid of copy cats. Customers know better than to buy a knock-off. Just keep coming up with great products as you have business will keep on coming and your company will keep growing.

As for the copy cats, if they are actually using cheaper and inferior designs, an old adage that was used against you will now work for you. You get what you pay for?

The hobby needs more co.s like Traxxas and GWS. More newbies means a bigger rc community = more fun!


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發表於 2002年11月22日 09:02 PM | 顯示全部樓層
GWS老大 你把這裡當成美國網站小朋友看得懂嗎? 看得懂得 有幾個人會相信嗎?
難怪外國人都說你們的東西好 因為 你們的說明書是英文的呀...
最近有人想入門遙控飛機 我都推薦你們的海狸或J3 希望 羅教練不要太忙....
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發表於 2002年11月23日 07:37 PM | 顯示全部樓層
[quote]以下引用由 [u]鍋子[/u] 在 2002年11月22日 下午 10:日 所發表的內容:
GWS老大 你把這裡當成美國網站小朋友看得懂嗎? 看得懂得 有幾個人會相信嗎?
難怪外國人都說你們的東西好 因為 你們的說明書是英文的呀...
最近有人想入門遙控飛機 我都推薦你們的海狸或J3 希望 羅教練不要太忙....[/quote]

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發表於 2002年11月24日 12:40 AM | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2002年11月28日 01:02 AM | 顯示全部樓層
經過翻譯 搞不好就沒有"洋人"的權威性了 這種文章 也有粉多台灣人寫過
頭幾句話就是說"林背我玩了十幾年的飛機 花了大把的鈔票學來的經驗 你們一定要聽呀......"
這種話題 再飛行場千萬不要提 一提就講的沒完了 還是乖乖的玩飛機 會斗的還是繼續斗的
摔下來的 都是一些No 控的理由 有時候 PCM的 還不是照樣鎖死 汽油雞 還不是照樣摔雞
還是虛心一點 永遠當個菜鳥 小心翼翼的飛 各個產品好壞 自己總有個見解 該買FF9 的時候
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發表於 2002年11月28日 01:42 AM | 顯示全部樓層
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