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【推薦】建議台灣所有的模型店應設置電腦安中 FMS 作為入門者免費教學之輔助.

發表於 2002年11月19日 10:41 AM | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
以下是吳雋偉 <mis_wu@gws.com.tw>尋問 FMS 工程師的對話問FMS:"我們是否使用 FMS 當做昆陽門市的模擬飛行教學軟體".
" My name is Penny Wu and I work for GWS (a manufacturer of RC products ) as a MIS emginner.

We have GWS shops at our domestic market where we have classes teaching R/C skills.

We are planning to install FMS on each computer in the classroom for filers to practice their skills free of charge.

Can we ask for your permission on offering this service, Thanks.
Look forward to hearing your reply soon with best negards."

FMS 的 Mr. Michael Moeller答覆:
"I don't understand what you really wan't to do with the FMS. I can give you the following guide lines:

If you do earn money in any way by offering the FMS with some computer that is more than the cost caused bey the computer, you are not allowed to use the FMS. For example if you are offering professional training for RC beginners, than you are not allowed to use the FMS therefor.

On the other hand, if you do not earn any money by using the FMS, you are allowed to use it free. For example for private use at home. If you want to put a computer in your shop and install FMS, though that customers can have a try on it, this is OK, as long as everyone (without need to buy something or pay anything) can use it.

It is very simple: as long as you do not earn any money (directly or indirectly) by the use of the FMS, you are allowed to use it for free.

Michael Moeller "

GWS昆陽站安裝 FMS 作為入門者免費教學之輔助是可行的.

我們也建議台灣所有的模型店應設置電腦安中 FMS 作為入門者免費教學之輔助. 減少臨場經驗不足而摔飛機!我們期盼台灣所有的模型店藉著 FMS 協助入門者能安全順利度過入門階段的瓶頸. 早日登堂入室. 成為下一位快樂的玩家.

下一篇:【推薦】2003年1月中旬. 美國洛杉磯的 PASADENA 市模型展

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發表於 2002年11月22日 01:38 PM | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2002年11月22日 04:47 PM | 顯示全部樓層
FMS 的飛行姿態太假了啦, 要是剛開始學飛就用這個的話, 等他上了真機飛的話可能會嚇一跳的難控制, 照樣摔...
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 樓主| 發表於 2002年11月24日 09:41 PM | 顯示全部樓層
幸虧 GWS 飛機像: " SLOW STICK". " J3 "....之類粉容易飛.加上幾小時的 FMS 經驗. 教練的指示比較不會鴨子聽雷. 聽無!

基本上. 我覺得多少有所助益.

FIYBOY 肯定已是箇中高手. 一點點差別就被你逮到了.

菜鳥是不會感到如此的差異.等到他能敏銳的感覺出來時. 不就也是他習得正果該畢業的時候啦?
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發表於 2002年11月25日 07:51 AM | 顯示全部樓層
嘿嘿...我不是高手...只是整天沉迷於 G2 但是仍一事無成, 講起 Fms 也是一樣摸一次就差很多, 但想起這是免費的軟體也就不於計較勒.. 可"玩"就好....
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