JR XB1 CV1 接收器擴充線,功能正常,之前要用XBUS接收機玩PIXHAWK動數不夠用來擴充,有設定過,後來沒用,買來都在家中未帶出門,賣700含運費
R 原廠XB1-CV4 XBUS的PWM轉換器/接收器擴充線 (對應XG系列) JR Propo XB1-CV4 Converter Harness 4 Port 適用機型:對應的發射機 XBUS -XG14-XG14E-XG11MV -XG11(軟件版本:0002-0011或更高版本) -XG8(軟件版本:0001-0015或更高版本) -XG6(軟件版本:0001-0010或更高版本)
規格 : 尺寸 : 300mm Product DescriptionXB1-CV1 and XB1-CV4 are required to use Conventional PWM servos. It converts from the XBus serial data to the PWM signal. And also make these servos capable to memorize individual setting data such as Centering, travel adjust and the setting of other functions. XB1-CV1 has 1 port output and XB1-CV4 has 4 of them. Length: 300mm