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樓主: ericyang

請教各位大大,Crow 煞車是啥?[求助]

發表於 2002年5月21日 12:45 AM | 顯示全部樓層
Total agree with laser3mc, he'd explain tvery well especially the 2nd point. The down flap & reflexed aileron is to make a relative wash-out in order to keep the plane stable. Don't use a down aileron, otherwise you will crash.

Sorry I'll buy a written board recently.
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 樓主| 發表於 2002年5月21日 03:06 AM | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2002年5月21日 06:01 AM | 顯示全部樓層
還有一個最基本的煞車方式就是利用Spoiler(空氣擾流板), Spoiler 是一組位於主翼翼樑正後方的擾流板, 在不用的時候是隱藏於主翼之下, 開啟時約向上80-90度角, 降落時須拉一點點升舵.

Jason Lin
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發表於 2002年5月21日 08:57 AM | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Alex,

You are expert of sailplane I thought.
Except sailplane, do you play any other plane for your hobby?
You didn't open your mail address, so I open mine: mailto:jhonglin@ms11.hinet.net
Wish we could share each other's experience.

Thanks & regards,
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發表於 2002年5月21日 11:24 AM | 顯示全部樓層
Dear JimLin,

Recently, I'm interested in pylon racer (F3D). It's extremetly exciting but much safter than Dynamic soaring.
Also, I've a super Dimona (4c 90), a power glider, but I don't think it's a glider. In the recent month, I'll built a Fw-190 (4c 120) power by a gasoline (2c 20+~30cc) engine.

In summer, it's difficult to have good North-east wind & the south-west facing slope is not good enough in Northern Taiwan. So I fly power planes recently.

Nice to meet you,
My E-mail is : g059920@seed.net.tw

Happy soaring & landing,

Alex Chan.
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