From: Jack [mailto:jacktan@mediascope.com.sg]
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 3:29 PM
To: kennyhdv@gmail.com
Subject: SKYJIB
Hi Kenny您好,
所以我想把我的SKIJIB卖了。因为我自己有SKYJIB以外,还有CINESTAR8和 MK OCTO XL。其实我买SKYJIB是为了拍电影。我真的没时间去接航拍的工而且新加坡政府只让我们飞60m以下。所以我们的电影是不可能用RED EPIC来拍。5d还可以用来帮电视台拍。所以我希望您可以帮我问问您的专业朋友有兴趣卖吗?谢谢!!!
Below is the specs for our skyjib 8 V1 HEAVY LIFT SRSYEM for cinematography:
Payload: 5-8kg
Cameras: Red Epic,Red Scarlet,c300,Canon 5d,7d,cx790,GH3,GOPRO
Flight Control: AERODRIVE 8(high speed performance speed controllers)
GPS hold,waypoints,intelligent orientation,return home,failsafe automatic landing(options are selectable)
Camera Gimbal: AV200 3axis,pan,tilt roll,PICLOC Stabilizer,auto horizon n setup for camera,Retractable landing gear.
Allied Drones Quick Release Anti Vibration Gimbal Mount.
Setup for DUAL 5 or 6s lipo batteries n 15x5 props.
Video downlink: Real time camera footage downlink with 5.8ghz system which downlink to pilot n camera operator.multiple options includes: ground station
2 men operation: pilot n camera operator(cinematographer)
Telemetry: voltage monitoring,altitude,speed,distance,GPS coordinates,audio warning.
Motors: Brand new 8x AXI 4120/20 short -shaft. 465kv( not in the photos)
I have an extra AV200 Gimbal to give away in this package sale...
Sales Price
$5000 USD
From: Jack Tan [mailto:jacktan@mediascope.com.sg]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:55 AM
To: KennyHDV空中攝影工作室
Subject: Re: SKYJIB
全都是新的。做了tuning 和试飞之后,就没动过它了。有一年了。motor and frame 还有AERODRIVE BOARD(MK) for heavy lift 都是新的。试飞时可飞RED EPIC 八到九分钟。5D可飞11到12分钟(10000MAH)45c电池。15x5 prop.温度35到45度之间。我其中的一个gimbal是用PICLOC 3axis stabilizer.另外一个是用原装photo higher 3axis的servo stabilizer.
Jack Tan
From: Jack Tan [mailto:jacktan@mediascope.com.sg]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 2:19 AM
To: KennyHDV空中攝影工作室
Subject: Re: SKYJIB
忘记告诉您,我也有ALLIED DRONES 的Gimbal Adapters。可以用原装的Av200 的gimbal和cinestar的gimbal 交换用在skyjib。只需要两分钟的时间交换。非常方便。
Jack Tan
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