發表於 2013年9月10日 03:06 PM
本帖最後由 mosfet 於 2013年9月10日 03:27 PM 編輯
rctw 產品頁面下方有 files 那邊應該有使用手冊 但應該是英文的 這KK板老外很多人用
-Set up a new model on your transmitter, Use a normal airplane profile.
選擇你遙控器的飛機模式 建立一個新模型
-Turn on the power and press the menu button and enter the "Receiver Test" sub-menu.
Move each channel on your transmitter and check that the displayed direction corespondents with
the stick movements. If they disagree, reverse the channel on your transmitter.
Check that the AUX channel show "ON" when the switch on your transmitter is in your preferred on
position. If not, reverse the AUX channel on your transmitter.
接收機測試 CH的正反向設定 AUX設定
-Use the trims or sub-trims and adjust the channel values shown on the LCD to zero.
-Enter the "Load Motor Layout" sub-menu and choose the configuration you want. If the configuration
you want is not listed, use the "Mixer Editor" sub-menu to make one. More on that later.
-Enter the "Show Motor Layout" sub-menu and confirm the following. Is the configuration correct? Is
the motors and servos connected the the correct output? Correct rotation direction? Does the motor
speed up when dropping the arm it is mounted on?
KK跟MWC 都是屬於需要條參數的飛控 |