Well i have been working on this design for a while now, its nearly all done, all i have to do is finish pining the 2 cranks together and mod the headers for tune pipes. Also need to get 2, 257 carbs as the standard ones are nocking on the return pipe to the 2nd needles.
The cylinders are very close together, trying to keep the engine as short as possible, basically two bearings & two seals between the cranks, had to machine some fins off the rear of the front cylinder.
I thought it would be good to put approx 8 hp onto the my Swahdrive Hydrojet to see if it handles the power. & maybe develop some new impellers to suit.
Some how i'm going to squeeze this engine into the Swashdrive jetsprint, Aiming for 1.5 hp per kg, much like the Superboat Jetsprints
should be a wicked little monster monster.
Craig |