發表於 2012年6月4日 03:12 PM
回復 2樓 lspeng 的帖子
>> 另外透露讓死油派振奮的消息,馬亞的新機是YS-170動力,板凳全拆了.Derek已看到照>> 片.Adrian是Derek的死黨,一定會上來吹噓一下,就留給他發表吧!
I have never once bad mouth electric power, I believe both power plants can coexist, & both have their advantages & disadvantages. I stick to YS because I like mechanical things & I also do know how to fix them. However, if I have to start from scratch, I'll not be surprise if I choose electric power as well. In addition, I will never recommend a 4 stroke to any newbies.
As for Gerhard offering a glow version, I believe it's more a business move than anything else - more money in the bank ...
Adrian |