B-12 Sky-Mat, which flew for the first time on 2 November 1961. In its latest form the Sky-Mat consists of a trellis-like open metal framework with ten small 2-blade rotors, each driven by a 10hp West Bend engine, and a pilot's position in the centre. The Sky-Mat is fundamentally a ground effect machine, being designed for an agricultural role with a normal operating height of only 1m from the ground, although it can rise to clear obstacles up to 5m.
搜尋了很多資料, 咸信兩種發動機(McCulloch Mc75, West Bend) 都可能被Bensen所使用, 兩種都是go-kart engine, 馬力都是9~10hp, 由於這是利用地面效應(ground effect)的航空器, 飛行高度越低越有利, 因此大部分的資料顯示出他最適合的飛行高度是90cm~110, 但因地形障礙最高可爬升到5m
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