TRITON 全新充電器
Great Planes® Triton微電腦充電器 NT$4,500
1-24顆鎳氫,鎳鎘電池 1-4顆鋰電 鋰聚合電池 6V,12V,24V鉛酸電池同時具有充放電弁?/b>
Easy to use, with MORE functions, for MORE applications...the Triton charger from ElectriFly sets new standards in charger technology! Like many units, the Triton can peak charge NiCds and NiMH batteries, with fully adjustable current rates. But the Triton has the flexibility to do so much more ?and satisfy the charging needs for a wide range of R/C modelers ?making it the only charger you |
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