RC Group.com 論壇有些內容:
8/12有個澳洲的電子高手,完全剖析出 HV 系列的問題,並清楚表示HV系列產品中最高電流越高的型號越危險。
8/16該高手提出卡斯特FET零件用太好 gate resistance is too low,但電路板路徑設計不好,並畫出解決之電路圖,原文如下:
The Problem i see here is that you are using FETs which are too good. Their gate resistance is too low, and the FET driver is delivering the current, doing its job properly, however the poor power paths are causing excessive voltages damaging the unit.
A simple solution is, i'm not sure if you've tried it, is to add some gate resistance..... Or use cheaper FETs... Or just tell your PCB designers to decrease the ground/return path resistance to the drivers and move them as close as possible to the FET source.
8/16 卡斯特老闆詢問該高手是否接受聘僱,該高手表示很願意,只是表達他住在雪梨,遠離卡斯特總部15000KM之外。
8/20 卡斯特正式宣佈 HV 全部召回 |