以下內容給要參加世界賽的國手們參考,此三項是最容易拿零分的項目,出國前核對一下你的動作是否標準(以下為AMA 2011~2012 competition regulations中的序述)===========Snaps:Asnap roll is a rapid rotation where the fuselage nose makes a detectable break in heading from its track in pitch and yaw for the duration of the roll but the track follows the line of the maneuver (straight or arced).1. Large deviations from the flight path, indicativeof a delayed stall, are to be downgraded using the 1 point per 15-degree rule for each axis of the excursion. For example, it the model pitches its track 15 degrees nose up and the wings rotate 15 degrees before the yaw is applied, the maneuver should be downgraded 1 point for pitch and 1 point for roll.2. The track visualized as the path of the Centerof Gravity (CG) should closely follow the geometric flight path of the maneuver while the nose and tail rotate through opposite helical arcs around the flight path. Lack of these helical arcs (or coning) is indicative of an axial roll and is scored zero.3. If the track corkscrews or barrel rolls,it is severely downgraded (more than 5 points).4. Snap rolls have the same judging criteriaas axial rolls as far as start and stop of rotation, constant flight path through the maneuverand centering on lines.5. If the heading does not remain deviatedfor the entire roll it is downgraded 1 pt per 15 degrees.6. Air speed is not a criterion which shouldbe used to judge this maneuver.The wing of the model is stalled during this maneuver;therefore a significant decrease in speed may occur and is not a cause for downgrade. ==============Spins: All spins begin and end with ahorizontal line. In order to accomplish a spin, the model must be stalled. The entry should be flown in a near horizontal path with the nose high attitude increasingas the speed decreases. The nose then drops as the model stalls.Simultaneously, the wing drops in the direction of the spin. Spin entry (i.e.stall/break) for center maneuvers should occur directly in front of the judges on the center line/pole. The stall may occur while the airplane has forward motion with respect to the ground. The following criteria apply to spins.1. Snap roll or un-stalled entry scores zero(0).A snapped entry is defined as the wing passing through the vertical plane before the nose passes through the horizontal plane. (Note that one wing tip will drop in the direction of spin faster than the other. The high wing may rise above the horizontal plane as long as it does not pass through the vertical plane). Un-stalled entry is defined as a rotation (spiral or yaw) of 90 degrees before stall occurs.2. The stop of rotation is judged according to the One Point per 15 Degree Rule. An error of more than 160 degrees in either direction scores zero (0).3. A nearly vertical downward line of visible length must be flown after the rotation stops. The pull or push out is judgedas a partial loop.4. The attitude of the model during the spin is not a judging criterion as long as the model is stalled.5. Once the model has entered the spin, drift caused by the wind is not a judging criterion.6. After exiting from the preceding maneuverthe model shall establish a wind corrected heading to maintain track parallel with the flight line.That heading should be maintained to the spin entry. As the model slows, drift from the flight path parallel with the flight line should not be downgraded since it is in a near-stalled condition.Changes in heading before spin entry should be downgraded using the 1 point per 15 degreerule. ===============Stall Turns: Stall turns consist of lines and partial loops as well as stall turns. The following criteria apply to all maneuvers containing stall turns (e.g., Figure M, Stall Turn with Half Rolls, etc.).1. Lines must have exactly vertical and horizontal flight paths.2. Entry and exit must consist of partial loops with equal radii.3.Length of the vertical line is not a criterion.RCA-164. All rolls must be placed in the center ofthe lines.5. Maximum pivot radius is one-half (1/2)wingspan. A pivot radius of more than one and one- half (1-1/2) wingspan sshould be considered a major defect and be downgraded by at least two (2)points.6. If the model shows a pendulum movement after the pivot, the maneuveris downgraded by one (1) point.
[ 本帖最後由 dickou 於 2011年7月15日 05:28 PM 編輯 ] |
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