小弟我新買了一組ALTURN 150無刷組
1.0 On transmitter set throttle trim to Zero (centre) & throttle end point adjustment to maximum settings.
1.1 Turn on transmitter & leave throttle in Neutral position.----------->>>確實照做了
1.2 On ESC press SET button then turn on power, wait 4 second until LED light flashes Orange color then release SET button.
1.3 On transmitter move throttle to maximum position, wait about 3 seconds until LED light flashes Red color and beep sound
1.4 On transmitter move throttle to minimum position, wait about 3 seconds until LED light flashes Orange color and beep sound
1.5 On transmitter move throttle to Neutral position, Red & Orange LED light will flash about 3 seconds and then beep sound.
Throttle range on ESC has now been set.
2.0 Start using the ESC
2.1 Turn on the transmitter with the throttle stick set at minimum position.
2.2 Connect the battery to the ESC. The LED flashes rapidly for 1 second, and then you will hear 2 beeps (1KHZ tone)
confirming minimum throttle position detected. Then you will hear one beep (1 KHZ tone) confirming the ESC is armed and
ready. You’re ready to racing, if you don’t receive the armed confirmation the go to the trouble-shooting section
[ 本帖最後由 joneatos 於 2010年12月6日 02:53 AM 編輯 ] |
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