Esky 2.4G 6動搖控器,測試 RealFlight G2 ~
有聲音沒畫面:Options--> Directx--> Use Hardware vertex Processing if available 打勾或取消 ~
控制模式不對:Options--> Controller Calibration--> Stick Mapping:Transmitter Mode 2 (USA),改為
Transmitter Mode 1 (Europe, Asia)~
正逆轉相反:Options--> Controller Calibration--> Advanced Setup:Channel 1 (Ailerons). Channel 2
(Elevator). Channel 3 (Throttle). Channel 4 (Rudder). Channel 5~9. Switch 1~4 ~
底下 Reverse the direction 打勾或取消 ~
Channel 5--> Reverse the direction 打勾 ~
This channel is controlled by:Joystick Switch 1~
編輯飛機設置頻道:Aircraft-->Edit XXX XXX-->出現:Wait You can only edit air5craft that you have
created! Would you like to make a copy of the aircraft and edit the copy instead? Yes. No.
New Name:XXX XXX,後面自行隨便填寫英文或數字~
找尋 Servos-->Servo Assignments:Flaps襟翼-->Channel 5,改為 Channel 6~
Retracts縮腳-->Channel 6,改為 Channel 5~
右下角有圖示可以看,如果沒出現時,Show changes in real time 打勾~
直昇機時:尾巴大小動,陀螺開關,向上:小動. 向下:大動.(沒編輯機子時)~
沒有Idle時,編輯機子之後,Aircraft-->Edit Radio-->Idle Up 1 Flight Mode 打勾,原本位置 Switch 3 On,改為
Switch 1 off (向下為開起),由陀螺開關控制~
Throttle Hold Flight Mode 打勾,原本位置 Switch 2 On,位置不變 (左轉關閉,右轉開起),由左旋鈕控制~
模擬的USB是飛鷹3代~ |