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發表於 2009年7月31日 09:05 PM | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks Kevin and Dr.Peng!
我选用的ESC只需要一次calibrate大小车位置,以后每次飞的时候就不用校了,这应当是fixed end point 模式吧?
关于电机用刹车原由,我是这样理解的,如果不用刹车,电机的桨不是收杆就能停下来的,它还会象风车一样转下去,所以得借助点外力让它停或慢下来,这就得用esc break,新一点esc的break有缓刹功能(ramp mode),如果没有ramp mode,就干脆不用break。
关于throttle curve的调整,要因人因设备而异,但总目的是保持contant flying speed,降低飞行负担。
最后还有个问题:esc的工作频率,8kHz or 16kHz,说明上指16kHz可以提供更劲暴的动力,但产生较高的RF噪音,所以默认设为8kHz,这样说对吗?
發表於 2009年8月1日 08:24 AM | 顯示全部樓層

回復 7樓 pandy 的帖子

Hi Pan,

Normally, the ESC starting power for outrunner can either be low or medium; the correct setting has a lot to do with the motor you use, since they all have different magnetic strength, so use the one that can easily get your motor turning without any screeching sound, and the best way to find out is give them a try.

As far as the PWM frequencies concern, again, depends on the motor you are using, you need to adjust it accordingly.  Generally, you will gain more power when using higher frequency setting, and in your example, the 16KHz.  From the testing I have done using my motor/ESC combination, the power gained from higher PWM frequency isn’t very significant, and since the power output from my setup is already more than I need to fly the sequence, I chose lower frequency (8KHz) to conserve battery capacity.

Finally, although I am not familiar with your ESC, but based on your description, that you have to move the throttle stick from idle position to full throttle position in order to calibrate, this appears to be auto calibration, and not fixed endpoint setup.  The fixed endpoint setup should not require user to move the throttle stick at all.

Hope this helps.

發表於 2009年8月1日 11:31 AM | 顯示全部樓層
Kevin, thanks for your useful reply, i got the idea!
發表於 2009年8月1日 02:15 PM | 顯示全部樓層
關於PWM設定, 與馬達的設計有關, 不是所有馬達都能任意設定. 常見是電池充飽電時摧油門會有具大噪音而且喪失推力(lost synchronization), 必須把PWM頻率設定降低.
發表於 2009年8月9日 12:58 AM | 顯示全部樓層
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